Nearing Completion! YICONTON Phase II Project Enters Final Stage

Good news recently from the YICONTON Phase II project, as the main structure has passed inspection and the project is entering the final stage, soon to be completed.

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Walking into the YICONTON Phase II construction site, workers are rushing to complete construction, hardening the factory floors, and methodically installing water, electricity and fire safety facilities, striving to meet project deadlines.  

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It is understood that the total investment in YICONTON Phase II project is around 100 million RMB, with a total construction area of 33,000 square meters. The project is expected to be completed by the end of September and start production by the end of the year. After completion, the project will further increase the company’s production capacity for air suspension products, becoming China’s largest air suspension production base.

Post time: Aug-15-2023