YICONTON Company Awards Scholarships to Employees’ Children Admitted to University

Cherishing education, empowering dreams. On the afternoon of August 3, 2023, the Yitao Scholarship award ceremony was held in the company conference room. Company CEO Li Ming, Executive Vice President Qu Yuheng, scholarship recipients and their parents attended the ceremony.

YICONTON Company Awards Scholarships to Employees' Children Admitted to University  (6)

At the award ceremony, Mr. Li and Mr. Qu congratulated the 3 scholarship recipients and their parents, and presented them with the scholarships. In the discussion that followed, Mr. Li said that university is the golden age of one’s life, and learning and accumulating life experiences are especially important during this time. Mr. Li encouraged everyone to take university as a new starting point, focus wholeheartedly on studies, and lay a solid foundation for entering society in the future. YICONTON Company Awards Scholarships to Employees' Children Admitted to University  (4)

In the discussion, students and parents spoke enthusiastically, expressing gratitude to the company. They said they would show their appreciation through practical actions of loving their jobs and working diligently, always maintaining a grateful heart, working hard, and repaying the company’s generosity. The scholarship recipients said they would study hard to repay their families, society, and country with excellent results in the future. YICONTON Company Awards Scholarships to Employees' Children Admitted to University  (5)

Company Chairman Pang Xu Dong said the Yitao Scholarship fully reflects the “Yitao Family” culture advocated by YICONTON Company. When employees’ children are admitted to university, it is not only a joyful occasion for the employee’s family, but also an honor for the company family. The Yitao Scholarship was initiated by Company Vice President Shi Linxia, and mainly rewards employees’ children who are admitted to university that year. Since the establishment of the Yitao Scholarship in 2021, a total of 9 employees’ children have received funding.

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YICONTON Company Awards Scholarships to Employees' Children Admitted to University  (1)

Post time: Aug-15-2023